


Control method -no permits required

Control method – permits required

Contact person

Cape Nature

Shooting during daylight hours for landowner, Hunting license and written approval if not the owner. All non-lethal methods.


Contact nearest CapeNature office for assistance.

KZN Wildlife
(Black crows & Pied crows)

In terms of the Ordinance, Black & Pied crows are “unprotected wild birds”

Contact your District Conservation Officer (DCO) who will advise and assist if necessary. 

KZN Centralised permit application
Sharron Hughes (033) 8451968 /
Permits are then sent to appropriate

DCO to undertake the inspection
In the case of DCA, it is better to contact the DCO directly as generally permits are not required – and prompt action is. If this DCA is an emergency, the land owner can act immediately and contact his/her DCO thereafter (within 24hrs). The DCO will undertake the necessary field inspection and approve the permit post facto.


DETEA – Free State Province

Shooting, call and shoot, shoot over
decoy. Non-landowners need written permission from landowners.

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