Caracal / Lynx

Total length 75-120cm / Tail 15-35cm / Shoulder height 45cm / Mass 8-18kg
The caracal is a fairly robust cat with a red-brown colour over the entire length of the animal except for its underside, especially the belly where it usually fades to white with red-brown spots. The ears have the distinctive black tassels on the points and the back of the ear is black whereas the front and inside ears show long white hair with a slight black tinge at the base in front of the ear.

Mainly nocturnal, but partly diurnal activity if undisturbed.  Solitary, except when mating or when females are accompanied by kittens.

The male is territorial with a home range that may overlap with that of two or more females.  Home ranges of females overlap, but they probably avoid contact by olfactory signals, such as urine, droppings, and tree scratching’s.  Depending on food abundance, home ranges can be as small as 400 ha to as large as 10 000 ha or more.

Coffee table book on caracal 

Coffee table book Simbamangu – through the eyes of caracal was launched on 16 November 2023 and depicts the life of a caracal. 

Dr. Nico Avenant from the National Museum in Bloemfontein co-authored the book, which aim to create awareness of the ecology and behaviour of the cat species, and the highly controversial and delicate topic of predation management.  In an unemotional way, the text presents the facts on a topic that has so many sides and emphasises that the road to finding solutions lies in working together with farmers.  It also highlights the complexities of nature, as well as some of the most recent advances in the field of predation management in Southern Africa. 


Is widely distributed across South Africa and has a preference for areas with medium to taller vegetation that facilitates catching its prey. Caracals prefer mountainous areas where they can use higher positions to spot their prey.

Caracal are renowned for the severe livestock losses they can inflict and their habit to kill more than one animal during a hunt but feed at only one, brings them into further discredit with livestock farmers. 


Willem Coetzee soek advies oor die vangs van ‘n probleemdier Rooikat wat verwoesting saai onder sy lammers in die Overberg.

Dr. Gerhard Verdoorn verduidelik prosedure puntsgewys hoe om ‘n Rooikat wat skade veroorsaak, te vang:

  1. Jy sal ‘n rooikatvanghok moet kry; vra onder die bure rond of iemand dalk een vir jou kan leen as jy nie alreeds een beskikbaar het nie.
  2. Maak die hok goed skoon met kokende warm water, veral die trapplaat.
  3. Probeer die rooikathok stel daar waar die kat rondbeweeg en veral as jy sy looppaadjie kan opspoor. Die hok moet langs sy looppad gestel word. Moet geen bedekking oor die hok plaas nie.
  4. Plaas lokaas soos karkasreste van ‘n lam wat gevang is, agter in die hok.
  5. Maak ‘n klein bolletjie van aluminiumfoelie so groot soos ‘n tennisbal en hang dit in die middel van die hok aan ‘n stukkie wol op.
  6. Probeer ‘n mak kat se uriene in die hande kry soos byvoorbeeld die sandboks wat mense vir hul katte gebruik. Sprinkel dit dan op die vloer van die hok.
  7. Neem ingewande soos skaaplewer en maak sleepspore na die hok toe vanuit verskillende rigtings van omtrent honderd meter ver.
  8. Plaas dan ook daardie lewer in die hok.
  9. Inspekteer die hok elke oggend vroeg om te sien of jy wel ‘n rooikat gevang het.

Skakel Dr. Verdoorn by 0824468946 vir enige verdere navrae.



Control methods -no permits required

Control methods – permits required

Contact person

Cape Nature

Shooting during daylight hours for landowner, Hunting license and written approval if not the owner. Approved Trap Cages. All non-lethal methods.

  • Call and shoot (All applicants)
  • Approved soft traps (PMF members)
  • Small stock protection collar (PMF members)
  • Registered Sniffer dogs (PMF members, no contact between dogs and DCAs)

CapeNature Permit Section:
021-4830121 or 021-4830120 or

Download application for prohibited hunting method

DETEA – Free State Province

  • Shooting
  • Call and shoot day and night
  • Shooting by vehicle and Helicopter
  • Leg holding device by landowners
  • Cage Traps by landowners. Landowner by means of own hunting dogs on own land.
  • All the non-lethal methods like Livestock Protection Collar etc. Non-landowners need written permission from landowners.


  • Leg holding device by non-landowner
  • Cage traps by non-landowners
  • Poisoned Collar
  • Registered hunting dogs

DETEA Free State Permit Office.
(051) 4009527 /13

Lourens Goosen (051) 4009534

Rooikatte het nie so ʼn duidelik afgebakende patroon en lewenssiklus soos die rooijakkals nie, maar daar is tog werkbare fases waarby die grondeienaar kan aanpas.

Die paartye van katte kan geweldig verskil gedurende die jaar sonder dat enige definitiewe maande uitgesonder kan word. Die betroubaarste patroon blyk egter dat rooikatte lief is om die warmer somermaande te gebruik vir paring en aanteel. Gedurende die wintermaande is die nuwe aanteel gewoonlik in dieselfde leerproses as die jong jakkalse en verhoogde vangste vind dan gewoonlik plaas.

In die gereedskapskis het die afskrikmetodes soos ligte, klanke en reuke ʼn minimale uitwerking op rooikatte, veral op die jong katte wat baie aktief gedurende die wintermaande jag. Weens die nuuskierige geaardheid kan flikkerende ligte dalk eerder die rooikat se aandag trek in plaas daarvan om die dier te verwilder. Wintermaande is egter ʼn goeie tyd om rooikathokke aktief te kry en op strategiese plekke uit te plaas om die jong katte so te probeer beheer.

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